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The United States of America is a constitutional federal republic consisting fifty states and a federal district, as well as several territories, spread over the Caribbean and Pacific. The country is situated in central North America and lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest , with Canada to its east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait, and the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific.

The USA offers some tremendous opportunities for immigrants but also has one of the most complicated systems of Immigration in the world.
H-1B Visa

The US Government introduced the H1B visa to give the opportunity to highly skilled International Professionals and International Students to live and work in the USA.
The H1B is the most popular and sought after US work visa and US Immigration requires 'every' foreign national to obtain a visa in order to legally work in America.
One of the main advantages of the H1B visa is that it is a 'dual intent' visa which means that you can apply for a Green Card (Legal Permanent Residency).

The Process to obtain an H1B Visa is:

Step 1 - you must 'first' find an H1B Job with a US Employer (known as your "sponsor")

Step 2 - your Employer will file your H1B Visa Application with the US Immigration Bureau , individuals can NOT sponsor or apply for their own H1B visa. Only an Employer can.

To Qualify for the H1B Visa Program, you must work in a 'specialty occupation':
The core Specialty Occupations include:
IT, Computing, Finance, Accounting, Banking, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Sales, Recruiting, Engineering (all types), Teaching, HealthCare/Medical, Legal, Lawyers, Networking, Telecoms, Business, Management .
An H1B visa is typically valid for up to six (6) years and entitles your spouse (husband/wife) and children (under 21) to accompany you and live in the USA on an H4 visa. The H4 dependent visa does not allow your spouse/children to work (unless they get their own H1B visa).

Generally, the H-1B visa is designed to enable US employers hire foreign workers in specialty occupations on a temporary basis. A specialty occupation is one that requires
(a) the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and
(b) the attainment of a bachelor or higher degree in the specific specialty (or its equivalent) as a minimum for entry into the occupation in the US.
The H-1B quota for standard cap cases has been exhausted for the Fiscal year 2008-09. The earliest a new application can be filed is April 1, 2009 . This does not affect H-1B transfers or advanced degree H-1B or then exempt H-1B cases.
If you are interested to apply for H1b Visa and looking for a sponsorer contact us at

How to Obtain an H-1B Visa ?

Each H-1B case must be well documented with supporting evidence proving that all legal requirements are met.

The employer's first step is to obtain an approved Labor Condition Application, which describes the position and the salary and also contains various attestations by the US employer.

The employer then files a petition with the Citizenship and Immigration Services at one of the four regional Service Centers.

Once this is approved, the next step is normally for the candidate to obtain an H-1B visa from the applicable US Consulate or Embassy.

Dependents of the H-1B holder (spouses and children) may obtain H-4 visas that will allow them to stay in the US with the H-1B visa holder.

There are some eligibility criteria for applying for H1B Visa
You must have ONE of the following:

1) A bachelor's degree or higher degree (or foreign equivalent) in the specialty field, OR
2) At least 12 years progressive work experience in their specialty field, OR
3) A license to practice in the chosen occupation (if such a license is required to practice), OR
4) A mix of further education (e.g Diploma) and work experience to total 12 years.
** typically 1 year of Higher Education (at a University/College) Equals 3 years work experience.


You also need to work in what is termed as a 'Specialty Occupation':

Occupations In Architecture, Engineering, And Surveying
Architectural Occupations,
Aeronautical Engineering Occupations,
Electrical/ Electronics Engineering Occupations,
Civil Engineering Occupations,
Ceramic Engineering Occupations,
Mechanical Engineering Occupations,
Chemical Engineering Occupations,
Mining And Petroleum Engineering Occupations,
Metallurgy And Metallurgical Engineering Occupations,
Industrial Engineering Occupations,
Agricultural Engineering Occupations,
Marine Engineering Occupations,
Nuclear Engineering Occupations,
Surveying/ Cartographic Occupations, Other Occupations In Architecture, Engineering, And Surveying.

Occupations In Mathematics And Physical Sciences
Occupations In Mathematics,
Occupations In Astronomy,
Occupations In Chemistry,
Occupations In Physics,
Occupations In Geology,
Occupations In Meteorology,
Other Occupations In Mathematics And Physical Sciences

Computer Science & IT, and Telecom Occupations
Occupations In Systems Analysis And Programming,
Occupations In Data Communications And Networks,
Occupations In Computer System User Support,
Occupations In Computer System Technical Support,
Other Computer-Related Occupations
Occupations In Life Sciences
Occupations In Agricultural Sciences,
Occupations In Biological Sciences,
Occupations In Psychology,
Other Occupations In Life Sciences

Occupations In Medicine And Health
Physicians And Surgeons,
Registered Nurses,
Occupations In Medical And Dental Technology,
Other Occupations In Medicine And Health

Occupations In Education & Research
Occupations In College And University Education,
Occupations In Secondary School Education,
Occupations In Preschool, Primary School, And Kindergarten Education,
Occupations In Education Of Persons With Disabilities, Home Economists And Farm Advisers,
Occupations In Vocational Education,
Other Occupations In Education

Occupations in Writing and Languages
Editors: Publication, Broadcast, And Script,
Other Occupations In Writing

Occupations in Finance and Administrative Specializations
Accountants, Auditors, And Related Occupations,
Budget And Management Systems Analysis Occupations,
Purchasing Management Occupations,
Sales And Distribution Management Occupations,
Advertising Management Occupations,
Public Relations Management Occupations,
Personnel Administration Occupations,
Inspectors And Investigators, Managerial And Public Service,
Other Administrative Occupations

Occupations in Business Management & Administration
Agriculture, Forestry And Fishing Industry Managers And Officials,
Mining Industry Managers And Officials,
Construction Industry Managers And Officials,
Manufacturing Industry Managers And Officials,
Transportation, Communication, And Utilities Industry Managers And Officials,
Wholesale And Retail Trade Managers And Officials,
Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate Managers And Officials
Service Industry Managers And Officials,
Public Administration Managers And Officials,
Miscellaneous Managers And Officials

OTHER Specialty Occupations as listed below
Occupations In Economics,
Occupations In Political Science,
Occupations In History,
Occupations In Sociology,
Occupations In Anthropology,
Other Occupations In Social Sciences,
Museum Curators And Related Occupations,
Other Occupations In Museum, Library, And Archival Sciences,
Other Occupations In Law And Jurisprudence,
Other Occupations In Religion And Theology,
Commercial Artists: Designers And Illustrators, Graphic Arts,
Environmental, Product, And Related Designers,
Other Occupations In Art,
Occupations In Music,
Other Occupations In Entertainment And Recreation,
Occupations In Social And Welfare Work,
Miscellaneous Professional, Technical, And Managerial Occupations, Sales Promotion Occupations,
Fashion Models

New cancer diagnosis rates decreased from 1999 to 2005 by 0.8% a year, according to a newly released report by the National Cancer Institute, the US Centers for Disease Control and the American Cancer Society. In addition, death rates from cancer dropped an average of 1.8% each year from 2002 to 2005. The decline is primarily due to lower death rates from prostate and lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women and colorectal cancer in both sexes. It is the first time new cancer rates have dropped since statistics have been tracked.
Careful statistical analysis by researchers showed the downward trend in new cancer diagnosis spanned several years. Experts believe aggressive cancer prevention and treatment efforts are starting to bear results. New cases of colon cancer fell by more than 2% annually. By 2005, half of all adults 50 and older were being screened for colon cancer, up from 27% in 1987.

Cancer Treatment

New cases of lung cancer fell to the lowest level in more than 30 years and are attributed to the war on smoking finally paying off. The CDC reported the number of adults who smoke has dropped below 20%. "Lung cancer is the big one when it comes to cancer in the United States," said Dr. John Glaspy of UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.

All types of cancer did not see such positive trends, however. New cases are up for myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, melanoma and cancers of the liver, kidney and esophagus. In certain areas, like the Midwest or South, where states have not passed anti-smoking laws, the incidence and mortality from lung cancer actually increased.

Death rates for pancreatic cancer in women, esophageal cancer in men and liver cancer for both sexes were elevated. Liver cancer is associated with Hepatitis C and the incidence of Hep C rose after the drug use in the 1960’s and 70’s.

Further research is needed for cancers whose incidence has increased, the report said. Some highly lethal cancers such as pancreatic and brain cancer show that there is still much work to be done. There were also disparities according to race, socioeconomic status and geographic location.

Dr. Otis W. Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society said, "The drop in incidence is something we have been waiting to see for a long time," And "the continuing drop in mortality is evidence once again of real progress made against cancer, reflecting real gains in prevention, early detection and treatment."

Currently, about 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer each year, and an estimated 560,000 die from it.

Scientists at the University of Liverpool will undertake a study to assess the feasibility of undertaking a UK-based screening trial for lung cancer. The study has been commissioned by the National institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) programme.

Lung cancer kills more people worldwide than any other malignancy accounting for around 1.4 million deaths each year, and around 38,000 individuals are diagnosed with the disease in the UK each year.

Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

"The number of deaths from lung cancer has fallen in past years in the UK and this is likely to be due to a decline in tobacco smoking, and possibly greater public awareness. However, there is a large ex-smoking population, who remain at high risk of developing lung cancer," says lead researcher Professor John Field, director of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Research Programme, at the University of Liverpool.

"Screening to detect the disease before patients develop any symptoms is a method that urgently requires evaluation as surgical resection at an early stage of the disease remains the only realistic option for a cure."

The results of the feasibility study will be used to decide whether a pilot study and subsequently a full clinical trial should be commissioned. This would use computerised tomography (CT) to scan people at high-risk of developing lung cancer, and would look at both the benefits and the harms that could result from such a screening programme.

"If the results of the feasibility study are promising it will be important to undertake a randomised control trial to assess if CT scanning is the best way forward. Only then would evidence be available to show whether a National Lung cancer Screening Programme should be considered," says Professor Field.

"We are delighted that the HTA has decided to invest in this first stage, which will help inform whether it is feasible to conduct a full trial."

'Bush shoe' creates 100 new jobs

Their deployment as a makeshift missile robbed President George Bush of his dignity and landed their owner in jail. But the world's most notorious pair of shoes have yielded an unexpected bonanza for a Turkish shoemaker.

Ramazan Baydan, owner of the Istanbul-based Baydan Shoe Company, has been swamped with orders from across the world, after insisting that his company produced the black leather shoes which the Iraqi journalist Muntazar al-Zaidi threw at Bush during a press conference in Baghdad last Sunday.

Baydan has recruited an extra 100 staff to meet orders for 300,000 pairs of Model 271 - more than four times the shoe's normal annual sale - following an outpouring of support for Zaidi's act, which was intended as a protest, but led to his arrest by Iraqi security forces.

Orders have come mainly from the US and Britain, and from neighbouring Muslim countries, he said.

Around 120,000 pairs have been ordered from Iraq, while a US company has placed a request for 18,000. A British firm is understood to have offered to serve as European distributor for the shoes, which have been on the market since 1999 and sell at around £28 in Turkey. A sharp rise in orders has been recorded in Syria, Egypt and Iran, where the main shoemaker's federation has offered to provide Zaidi and his family with a lifetime's supply of shoes.

To meet the mood of the marketplace, Baydan is planning to rename the model "the Bush Shoe" or "Bye-Bye Bush".

"We've been selling these shoes for years but, thanks to Bush, orders are flying in like crazy. We've even hired an agency to look at television advertising," he said.

Zaidi has been in custody since the shoe-throwing incident, amid claims that he has been badly beaten. He faces a possible jail sentence for insulting a foreign leader, but has reportedly apologised and requested a pardon from Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki.

Tips to Loss Your Weight

Green tea is now used in many health products globally; it is currently used primarily as an antioxidant but this is a complex herb that is still being researched. If you are looking to use green tea weight loss products, they're available in liquid form, for drinks, or tablets if you prefer; either way excess calories will be lost when used.

It has a wide range of benefits for the human metabolism but first and foremost, it has great anti-aging properties, accelerating cell regeneration and slowing the oxidation process in the system. Although it is the toxin removal and laxative qualities that help with weight loss when taken regularly. Our body loses more calories because it is speeded up thereby reducing the amount of fat tissue which would normally form.

Despite the success of green tea weight loss products, they cannot work on their own so the user must be responsible for what food they eat and any exercise they perform. For it to work, adjustments to diet and mental attitude are necessary for a person to become healthier, it is not just a case of losing weight.

Although green tea can be used at any time of the day and in many ways as a beverage, it is most effective when taken immediately before bed. Although it may at first seem a little scary, it has a strange effect on the body and as a consequence the stomach and bowls may not work as they should while you become accustomed to it during the first few days. This is not something to be concerned about as it only normally affects someone who has never taken green tea weight loss products before and then because the tea is improving the body's metabolism. Results are normally obvious within the first week, particularly if you complete the diet with physical exercise, lots of liquids and green food.

Extracts from the ginseng root are often mixed with green tea as combined; the two prove to be more effective. Used in Asia for thousands of years ginseng is well known and respected there and provides essential vitamins and minerals for good health when combined with those already found in the product.

When ginseng is used in association with green tea it stimulates the immune system and fortifies the user, representing a valuable energy source, during the stressful period when you are returning to normal weight. Natural products like green tea and ginseng are safe to use even on programs lasting up to 26 weeks at a time.

What is Linux?

Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone which is causing a major evolution in the world of computers. It outperforms other operating systems on similar hardware and is available on architectures ranging from a PDA to supercomputers.

A modern operating system like Linux is even easier to install and use than Microsoft® Windows™, especially given the reboot nightmares, viruses, worms, driver-update hassles and Service Pack annoyances that come with Microsoft® Windows™.

Linux and Open Source technologies have become the standard platform of choice for IT system deployment. Over seventy percent of the Internet is running on Open Source technologies and international vendors such as Sun, Novell and IBM are deploying Linux and Open Source.

With proven reliability, security by design and a world class reputation throughout the IT industry there really is no reason why you cannot move to Linux and freedom right now. Why wait for your next systems failure? Now is the time to start your move to Linux and Open Source.

Moving to the Linux platform does not require abandoning existing investments in Microsoft Windows applications and infrastructure. Linux runs on the same hardware and can run many of the Microsoft Windows applications, like OpenOffice. What makes this even more amazing is that Linux and Open Source applications are freely available to anyone who wishes to download them.

Why Move?

The big question for many corporate IT professionals and developers is "Why would I move from Windows to Linux?" Windows is well established in the enterprise computing space and applications currently deployed on Windows may be running just fine in their organisation.

However, many organisations are migrating from Windows and UNIX to the OSS Linux platform. They are moving in order to gain better business value, a greater choice of solutions, and richer capabilities for addressing their enterprise computing needs and abilities. This is what no proprietary vendor can do...

1. They don't have the hugely productive environment of KDE to program in.

2. They can't run development crews of the Open Source Community size without considerable investment.

3. They can't gather the input of thousands of users.

4. They can't design in such an open fashion as to remove all their hooks.

5. They can't make a product so extensible that it takes away their upgrade leverage.

6. They can't give it away for free.

And finally GOD created MAN

GOD created the DONKEY and told him, 'You will work tireless from sunrise up to sunset, carrying heavy bags on your back, you will eat grass. You will not have intelligence and you will live 50 years. You will be a DONKEY!'

The DONKEY answered, 'I will be a DONKEY, but living 50 years is too much, give me only 20 years!' and GOD gave him 20 years.

GOD created DOG and told him ' You will look after man's house, you will be his best friend, you will eat whatever they give you and you will live 25years, You will be a DOG!'

The DOG answered 'GOD, living 25 years is too much, give only 10 years!' and GOD gave him 10 years.

GOD created the MONKEY and told him, 'you will jump from branch to branch you will do silly things, you will be amusing and you will live 20 years, you will be a MONKEY!'

The MONKEY answered ' GOD, living 20 years is too much , give me only 10 years!' and GOD gave him 10 years.


GOD created MAN and told him, 'you will be a MAN the only rational being on this earth and you will use your intelligence to control other animals, you will dominate the world and you will live for 20 years.

The MAN answered, GOD I will be a man but living 20 years is not enough, why don't you give me the 30 years that the DONKEY refused, the 15 years that the DOG didn't want and the 10 years that the MONKEY refused ?'

That was exactly what GOD did, and since then:

MAN lives 20 years like a MAN, then he gets married and spends 30 years like a DONKEY, working and carrying the load on his back. Then, when his children leave he spends 15 years like DOG looking after the house and eating whatever is given to him. Then he gets old, retires and spends 10 years like a MONKEY, jumping from house to house or from children to children, doing silly things to amuse his grandchildren!

Colour Swathi in love?

The bubbly young heroine of Ashta Chemma, colours Swathi is now a very popular and successful babe thanks to the big success the small film has achieved. Swathi played the role of a die hard prince Mahesh Babu fan in the film.

Nani played the lead role in the film. During the making of the film, Swathi and Nani became close friends. It is now heard that the two are now more than just close friends. But the parents of Swathi are not happy with the news and they are reported to have put restrictions on Swathi meeting Nani or going out with him.

India beat England by 158 runs in 1st ODI

RAJKOT: Yuvraj Singh marked his return to form with a swashbuckling unbeaten 138 as India recorded its biggest victory by runs against England by spanking the hapless visitors by 158 runs in the series-opening cricket one-dayer here today.

After rattling up a record total of 387 for five at home, the hosts then bundled out England for 229 in 37.4 overs in a lop-sided contest to take a 1-0 lead in the seven-match series.

India’s previous best victory margin by runs against England was 86 at Sydney in 1985 and their biggest margin is 257 runs against Bermuda at Port of Spain in 2007.

Yuvraj’s ninth ODI hundred spurred India to post its second-highest ODI total ever — well behind their 413-5 against Bermuda in the 2007 World Cup but ahead of its previous home record of 376-2 against New Zealand in 1999.

Clobbered by the in-form Indian bastmen, the English attack conceded more runs than ever in one-dayers, surpassing the 353-6 against Pakistan at Karachi in 2005. India’s highest previous total against England was 329-7 at Bristol in August 2007.

Yuvraj defied a troublesome back to roar back into form in great style as he plundered runs at will, belting as many as 16 boundaries and six sixes during his 78-ball massacre.

The dashing Virender Sehwag (85), Gautam Gambhir (51), Suresh Raina (43) and captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni (39) were the other notable performers after England captain Kevin Pietersen put India in to bat on a belter of a track at the Madhavrao Scindia stadium.



Gautam Gambhir c Shah b Patel 51
Virender Sehwag c Bell b Patel 85
Suresh Raina c Collingwood b Flintoff 43
Yuvraj Singh not out 138
Yusaf Pathan c Bell b Harmison 0
Mahendra Singh Dhoni b Harmison 39
Rohit Sharma not out 11
Extras (b 1, lb 9, w 10) 20
Total (for five wickets in 50 overs) 387

Fall of wickets: 1-127 (Gambhir, 19.5 overs), 2-153 (Sehwag, 23.6), 3-242 (Raina, 36.5), 4-247 (Pathan, 37.3), 5-352 (Dhoni, 47.1)


James Anderson 8 0 52 0 (3w)
Stuart Broad 10 0 74 0 7.40 (4w)
Andrew Flintoff 10 0 67 1
Steve Harmison 10 0 75 2 (2w)
Samit Patel 9 0 78 2
Paul Collingwood 1 0 15 0
Kevin Pietersen 2 0 16 0 (1w)


Ian Bell c Dhoni b Khan 25
Matt Prior c Sehwag b Patel 4
Owais Shah c Sehwag b Khan 0
Kevin Pietersen run out (Sharma/Dhoni) 63
Andrew Flintoff lbw b Khan 4
Paul Collingwood c Dhoni b Singh 19
Samit Patel st Dhoni b Harbhajan Singh 28
Ravi Bopara not out 54
Chris Broad c Gambhir b Sehwag 26
Steve Harmison run out (Harbhajan Singh/Dhoni) 0
James Anderson lbw b Pathan 0
Extras (lb 2, w 4) 6
Total (All out in 37.4 overs)229

Fall of wickets: 1-12 (Prior, 3.2 overs), 2-17 (Shah, 4.5), 3-34 (Bell, 10.3), 4-38 (Flintoff, 10.6), 5-76 (Collingwood, 17.4), 6-147 (Patel, 26.1), 7-150 (Pietersen, 27.1), 8-195 (Broad, 35.3), 9-207 (Harmison, 35.6), 10-229 (Anderson, 37.4)


Zaheer Khan 7 1 26 3
Munaf Patel 6 1 20 1
Rudra Pratap Singh 4 0 25 1(2w)
Yusuf Pathan 3.4 0 41 1
Virender Sehwag 9 0 68 1(2w)
Harbhajan Singh 8 0 47 1

Toss: England, chose to field first
Umpires: Ameish Saheba (India) and Russel Tiffin (Zimbabwe)
TV umpire: Suresh Shastri (India)
Match Referee: Roshan Mahanama (Sri Lanka)